*** Topic for #teenchat: Global likes the boys... *** Topic for #teenchat set by wac0r on Monday, March 15, 1999 7:48:35 PM #teenchat: Bacon zoma +crax Blandest Machinehead postman BaronSamedi gehenna @aero @linz SuperG +Retinyl @syc @HydroFlow kinship master_j @wac0r recshoeco Snowballx KrakWhore Realm fux0r psyk @cyrus Devil-C @rudog @pael +oxigon slikz pankis *** End of /NAMES list. *** Mode is +tn *** Channel created at Monday, March 15, 1999 3:00:08 PM *** Replied (channel) CTCP VERSION from syc *** Signoff: zoma (Quit: Leaving) syc: bacon *** Signoff: Machinehead (Connection reset by peer) syc: don't message me syc: it will only cause you harm Bacon: mm Bacon: ok cyrus: i will have to hurt you cyrus: ;] cyrus is syc's strong arm linz: no syc: yea Bacon ph34rz you linz: you're his butt buddy *** linz has been kicked off channel #teenchat by syc (!) *** linz (linz@psychic-6780.phe-pa.concentric.net) has joined channel #teenchat *** Mode change "+o linz" on #teenchat by ChanServ linz: heh psyk: yea, syc and cyrus are known to get hostile *** Machinehead (machnhed@psychic-5875.pinehurst.net) has joined channel #teenchat wac0r: its bumbuddy linz linz: hm cyrus: syc cyrus: haha wac0r: i need food linz: you motha fuckaz are messin wit da wrong neeka! wac0r: brb cyrus: someone that works at dominos cyrus: is on cyrus: saying his boss syc: ? cyrus: was talking about me syc: where at? cyrus: here cyrus: blue_box cyrus: hes a fed cyrus: for sure cyrus: but its funny syc: what server? psyk: heh, feds think they can get close just because they have a name they think you'd accept *** Signoff: Machinehead (Connection reset by peer) syc: my hack0r name is k-radhax0rd00dguy cyrus: heh *** aero has been kicked off channel #teenchat by linz (linz) psyk: the nsa needs to have a damn computer expo linz: hm linz: mass kicks dont work linz: bye assholes postman: Are there any phreaks out there that could give me a little advice? *** Signoff: linz (Quit: ey y0 im out like a light!) *** Machinehead (machnhed@psychic-5875.pinehurst.net) has joined channel #teenchat syc: postman yes *** aero (aero@fucknut.org) has joined channel #teenchat *** Mode change "+o aero" on #teenchat by ChanServ aero: um syc: wear sunscreen] *** Negative (moo@psychic-5375.ISAT.COM) has joined channel #teenchat *** Signoff: Machinehead (Connection reset by peer) postman: hmm postman: =) *** tinky-winky (Deth2All@psychic-7038.jaguarsystems.com) has joined channel #teenchat postman: NO Negative: RY DOGG!!! tinky-wink: hello *** Machinehead (machnhed@psychic-5875.pinehurst.net) has joined channel #teenchat syc: want me to lecture now syc: ok cyrus: yea *** Signoff: Machinehead (Connection reset by peer) syc: LISTEN cyrus: and tinky-wink: is there a way to hack geocities sites? cyrus: heh cyrus: dumbass Bacon: lol cyrus: syc: kline request cyrus: tinky-winky cyrus: im isleet syc: WHEN IM SPEAKING, YOU ARE TO REMAIN QUIET! cyrus: cunt do it syc: OK *** Mode change "+m" on #teenchat by cyrus *** Machinehead (machnhed@psychic-5875.pinehurst.net) has joined channel #teenchat cyrus: you WILL respect my homeboy syc cyrus: if he talks cyrus: you shut up *** Signoff: tinky-winky (User has been banned) *** Signoff: Machinehead (Connection reset by peer) syc: SUN SCREEN *** SuperG has left channel #teenchat syc: ITS IS A GOOD THING syc: ITS MEANT TO PROTECT YOU syc: SCIENTIEST HAVE PROVEN THAT syc: OK syc: ALSO syc: DON'T BE AFFRAID TO DISCO *** Negative has left channel #teenchat *** Machinehead (machnhed@psychic-5875.pinehurst.net) has joined channel #teenchat oxigon: machinehead is my friend :) cyrus: in fact.. syc: USE YOU BODY, ITS THE GREATEST TOOL YOU WILL EVER USE *** Signoff: Machinehead (Connection reset by peer) cyrus tosses out bee-gees cd's cyrus: around rather syc: ALSO DON'T READ BEAUTY MAGAZINES THEY WILL ONLY MAKE YOU FEEL UGLY syc: YOU'RE NOT THAT FAT syc: UNLESS YOU ARE AN IRC WHORE! crax: hah cyrus: wait cyrus: syc cyrus: you should be doing this in global *** Signoff: psyk (Quit: syntax: later) syc: WHEN YOU GET OLD, YOU WILL FANTASIZE ABOUT HOW WHEN YOU WERE YOUNGER, PRICES WERE LESS, POLITICANS WERE NOT CROOKED, AND MINORS RESPECTED THERE ELDERS syc: RESPECT YOUR ELDERS syc: IM ALOMST DONE NOE syc: FORGOT ABOUT GLOBAL syc: ANYWAYS syc: TRUST ME ON THE SUN SCREEN *** Machinehead (machnhed@psychic-5875.pinehurst.net) has joined channel #teenchat syc: IM DONE NOW Bacon claps *** #teenchat Cannot send to channel syc: REMEMBER FAT CHICS ARE NOT TO BE ACCPETED INTO SOCEITY, THEY'RE FAT cyrus: AMEN BROTHA *** Mode change "-m" on #teenchat by syc Bacon claps syc: im hardcore slikz: yes u are postman sighs *** recshoeco has left channel #teenchat syc: postman syc: you wanted advice postman: ... postman: actualy... *** Megabyte (johnny@207.217.203.??) has joined channel #teenchat syc: i'll write more postman: I wanted to ask a question cyrus: heh syc: and global it -*Global*- syc knows all *** Megabyte has left channel #teenchat -*Global*- phear slikz: hehe -*Global*- yea niggers! *** Topic for #teenchat: Global likes the boys... *** Topic for #teenchat set by wac0r on Monday, March 15, 1999 7:48:35 PM #teenchat: Bacon Realm Snowballx @pankis kinship +Retinyl master_j +oxigon Devil-C @aero @HydroFlow @cyrus @rudog @pael *** End of /NAMES list. *** slikz (slikz@psychic-6309.64.108.192.ab.wave.home.com) has joined channel #teenchat *** Mode is +tn *** Channel created at Monday, March 15, 1999 3:00:08 PM cyrus: KILL THESE ANTISEMITES rudog: umm rudog just did *** gehenna (pinion@psychic-7303.dialup.mindspring.com) has joined channel #teenchat *** postman (postman@psychic-6108.bgm.servtech.com) has joined channel #teenchat *** Machinehead (machnhed@psychic-5875.pinehurst.net) has joined channel #teenchat cyrus: go ru cyrus: hey cyrus: rudog cyrus: if you leave *** Signoff: Retinyl (Network is unreachable) cyrus: im following you *** wac0r (blah@bowdown.GOV.AU) has joined channel #teenchat *** Mode change "+o wac0r" on #teenchat by ChanServ rudog: heh cyrus: us jewz gotta stick together cyrus: heh rudog: well *** syc (xing@psychic-9365.likes.to.dress.his.lizard.up.in.lingerie.com) has joined channel #teenchat *** Mode change "+o syc" on #teenchat by ChanServ rudog: im always on dalnet cyrus: syc cyrus: never ever leave again rudog: till wen's atleast cyrus: rudog: eww..where? syc: sorry *** Signoff: aero (Quit: syntax: Connection reset by queers) syc: im lagging cyrus: heh cyrus: me too cyrus: sucks *** Blandest (Blandest@psychic-5813.connect.ab.ca) has joined channel #teenchat wac0r: hmm postman: argh! FUCKING SILENCE! I HATE IT!!! wac0r: go kill ureself *** Signoff: postman (Local kill by syc (try irc.fuckhead.com)) cyrus: heh cyrus: ive been there *** Teflon (teflon@psychic-7263.dialsprint.net) has joined channel #teenchat Teflon: werd bacon --> Teflon shitup Teflon: don't ignore me --> Teflon heh, srry, they kick like nayone they dont know who talks *** ClockWerX (thevoid@top.secret.ftp.server.mp3.org) has joined channel #teenchat Teflon: oh yeah Teflon: well don't kick me because i am a k-rad h4x0r cyrus: uh --> Teflon type: /msg Bacon whatyouwanna say fool *** Signoff: Teflon (hax0r!) ClockWerX: hm ClockWerX: hi *** Teflon (teflon@psychic-7263.dialsprint.net) has joined channel #teenchat cyrus: oops cyrus: did i do that? Teflon: hehe *** crax (penter@fatchicks.hangout.at.jennycraig.com) has joined channel #teenchat pael: hmm *** Mode change "+o ClockWerX" on #teenchat by pael *** Mode change "+o oxigon" on #teenchat by pael -*Global*- and the globals lub you, aeon ClockWerX: why thank you sir *** neonpink (qUeeF@infectedwhore.com) has joined channel #TeeNCHaT *** Mode change "+o neonpink" on #teenchat by ChanServ *Teflon* I am a k-rad h4x0r!!!! --> Teflon ooo, i ph34r you! *Teflon* pHEAR --> Teflon type: /join #underground Teflon: k Teflon: doh syc: ok Teflon: forgot /msg syc: who wants to pipe my lecture through global *** Signoff: Teflon (Connection reset by peer) syc: i have 53 lines syc: i need to preech *** Teflon (teflon@psychic-7263.dialsprint.net) has joined channel #teenchat syc: i copied this off the radio cyrus: hrm wac0r iz back wac0r: why is roseanne so fat? cyrus: hrm cyrus: duno syc: ok here goes cyrus: sucks syc: +, syc: +m it slikz is away: (Auto-Away after 10 mins) [BX-MsgLog Off] syc: OK losers listen up. syc: Here is a story of a man named brady, syc: almost but not quite. syc: HERE IS A BIT OF ADDIVE FROM SYC syc: syc: FAT CHICS SERVE NO PURPOSE IN LIFE, OTHER THEN TO USE AS A EXAMPLE syc: OF WHAT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE TO LOOK LIKE. THAT IS A FACT, UNLIKE THE REST OF syc: MY RAMBILINGS BELOW. syc: MCDONALDS FOOD IS NOT HEALTHY, BUT YOU WILL EAT THERE ANYWAY. syc: DO SOMTHING EVERYDAY THAT SCARES YOU. *** Mode change "+m" on #teenchat by cyrus *** _Bomb_ (whutup@psychic-6952.psdn11.pacbell.net) has joined channel #teenchat syc: DANCE. syc: DON'T READ BEAUTY MAGAZINES, THEY WILL ONLY MAKE YOU FEEL UGLY. syc: YES YOU'RE THAT FAT, QUIT ASKING. syc: WHEN YOU GET OLD, YOU WILL SIT AND FANTASIZE HOW WHEN YOU WERE YOUNG, syc: POLITICIANS WERE TRUST WORTHY, PRICES WERE LOWER, AND KIDS RESPECTED THERE syc: ELDERS. syc: BE CAREFULL WHO YOU TAKE ADVICE FROM, AND WHO YOU GIVE ADDVICE TO. syc: DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE FUTURE, OR WORRY BUT KNOW WORRYING IS ABOUT AS syc: EFECTIVE AS TRYING TO CURE CANCER, BY CHEWING BUBBLE GUM. syc: SOME OF THE MOST INTERESTING 20 YEAROLDS DIDN'T KNOW WHAT THEY WANTED TO syc: DO AT 20. SOME OF THE MOST INTERESTING 40 YEAROLDS I KNOW STILL DON'T syc: DON'T EVER REFUSE FREE ALCOHOL, BUT NEVER DRINK ZIMA OR WINE COOLERS, GIVE syc: THOSE TO THE BITCHES, AND GET THEM INTOXICATED, FOR EASY PUSSY. wac0r: isnt that that suncream song? syc: NO REALLY DOESN'T MEAN NO, WHEN THE CHIC IS HOT, RAPE IS NOT REALLY A *Teflon* try 1519-1366-5803 syc: CRIME. syc: STAY CLOSE TO YOUR SIBLINGS, THEY'RE THE BEST LINK TO YOUR PAST, AND THOSE syc: MOST LIKELY TO BE THERE WHEN YOU NEED THEM. syc: GET TO KNOW YOUR PARENTS, YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN THEY WILL BE GONE. syc: DON'T RELEY ON ANYONE BUT YOURSELF. syc: MAYBE YOU WILL MARRY MAYBE YOU WON'T syc: MAYBE YOU WILL GET DIVORCED AT 40, OR MAYBE YOU WILL DO THE FUNKY CHICKEN syc: ON YOUR 80TH ANIVERSARY. syc: YOU MAY HAVE A RICH WIFE OR HUSBAND OR A BIG TRUST FUN, BUT YOU NEVER KNOW syc: WHEN EITHER MAY RUNOUT. syc: BUT ANYWAYS, TRUST ME ON THE FAT CHICS. syc: heh syc: get all that syc: its a rework syc: custom wac0r: they made a takeoff version of that song wac0r: was hell funny cyrus: lol cyrus: rule cyrus: syc